Failed Prototypes of Coalition

Prototype C: 


3. Collective memory & Transmitter:

As a development, in this prototype, instead of a seperate transmitter device, to each particle of memory holder, a micro transmitter is installed. This way the transmission prevents the generation of bugs and memory loss.. As a disadvantage, the machine gets slower and burns more energy.

2. Decisional Unit:

Instead of commanding the whole body of the device, in this prototype, the decisional unit has the role of organising the information that comes from collective unit. This peer to peer transmission gives less control on the decisional unit, but more role of organisation.

1. Media generator & exchange:

This device facilitates the peer to peer transaction, as well as analyses the outcomes for better results. It has a fundamental role on making the functioning of device faster and more efficient. It is fed by the transactions controlled by the collective memory, therefore does not have any gap to generate random media itself.

Problem 1:

It is still achievement to reduce the problems. However efficient and functional this last prototype may seem, this one problem of decision making doesn’t seem yet resolved: The machine reacts perfectly in responding quick and simple questions, yet does not have a sufficient cooperation and guidance on responding to complex and unknown matters. Therefore, even though each member of the collective memory is active in decision making, it is still insufficient to make complex decisions that all members respond positively.

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