Travel Log: A Piece of
Parliamentary Information

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  1. The Research Department - The Dutch House of Representatives
  2. The Investigative Journalist
  3. The Tool
  4. The Reader / The Public

Definition of disinformation/fake news, of De Rijksoverheid; the Dutch National government.

Wat zijn disinformatie en nepnieuws?

Nepnieuws kan verschillende vormen hebben. Een voorbeeld is desinformatie: onware of onnauwkeurige informatie die expres wordt gemaakt en verspreid om geld te verdienen. Of om iemand, een groep mensen, een organisatie of land te beschadigen. Dan heeft de afzender slechte bedoelingen.

“Fake news exists in various forms. An example is disinformation: false or inaccurate information that is created and distributed on purpose. The goal is to make money or to damage someone. a group of people, an organization or a country. Then. the sender has bad intentions.”

Disinformation campaigns and Hate Speech, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Lisa Reppell and Erica Shein

Disinformation is not a new phenomenon. The sharing of false and misleading content is an age-old political tactic. Advances in technology and changes to the media environment are what set the contemporary “disinformation problem” apart. Similar to hate speech, the “disinformation problem” has a multitude of conceptual frames. It has been characterized as information disorder, information manipulation, information war, computational propaganda and coordinated inauthentic behavior. What these frames share in common is an understanding that disinformation in today's new media environment is not only a problem of false information; it is a distortion of and an attack on our entire information ecosystem. It makes the free exchange of ideas much more difficult, if not impossible, in some contexts, undermining an essential element of any functioning democracy.